At Cloud 9 Deals, we scour flight aggregators, airline websites, online forums, hotel sites, and elsewhere for sales and error fares so you don’t have to. Then we send those deals straight to your inbox.

Sound good? Great! Click one of our subscription options and try it out for FREE!

Premium Monthly

Get access to every deal we find for only CAD $6 a month. First month is on us!

Economy Monthly

Get access to just the coach deals we find for only CAD $4 a month. First month is on us !

Premium Annual

Get access to every deal we find for only CAD $60 per year. First month is on us!

Economy annual

Get access to just the coach deals we find for only CAD $36 per year. First month is on us!


Cloud 9 Deals is the best place to look for hot deals!! The staff are extremely helpful in helping you find exactly what you need. They go out of their way to make sure you are happy with the deal!

Jenn Wang
South Surrey, BC

If you are flexible and open and love getting a deal, subscribe to Cloud 9. Get notified daily of amazing deals and error fares to snag up to 80% off your next flight.

Danielle Duvall
Vancouver, BC

Cloud 9 Deals are a passionate group that wants to share their love of traveling the world while helping you find affordable prices to go on memorable adventures.

Ottawa, ON

Cloud 9 Deals is on top of finding deals!! They just posted a deal yesterday to the DR that goes until Nov, which I'm definitely going to take advantage of. I see more travels in my future! Definitely going to be a large part of my travel planning! 🙂

Vancouver, BC

The most reliable and easily accessible website. Reasonable pricing for deals on flights across the globe. I highly recommend checking Cloud 9 Deals before booking your next travel.

Vancouver, BC

Amazing deals that I would not be able to find without the help of Cloud 9 Deals. Thank you for helping me save so much money!!

Krista Fowler
Kelowna, BC

Great source for finding last minute deals; extremely discounted air fare. Great to see something like this exists.

Inam Qureshi
West Vancouver, BC

Cloud 9 Deals gives easy access to all the great deals on flights and fares for those who are travel enthusiasts. Not only that, they can also help plan your trip with some cool itineraries and with affordable prices. Sometimes, they can also provide you with some upgrade vouchers for your flights with selected airlines. I highly recommend following them on their social media and staying up to date with all the great deals.

Harshvardhan Gupta
Edmonton, AB

Because of Cloud 9 Deals I've only been flying business or first class for the last 2 years. I have flown to Sydney, Australia on ANA First Class for $750 and recently flew to Hanoi on Cathay in first class for $1300. And that's only to name a few of the deals. They've definitely changed how I feel about flying and vacations in general. Thanks Guys!

Sandie Dhillon
Burnaby, BC

Cloud 9 helped me to navigate to great deals saving me money!


Thanks to Cloud 9 Deals who helped us save over 500 dollars on our recent trip to Paris. Because of them we are able to do another trip. They take away the stress of comparing deals from multiple websites. Definitely recommend them!

Edmonton, AB

Awesome prices for budget friendly travelling. With different flights going across the world you cannot be disappointed. Awesome customer service making it user friendly to all!

Armin Brar

Got access to so many amazing flight deals I would have never found myself! Highly recommend them as they take away all the stress about finding affordable flights.

Sumeet Bhadesha

WOW!! An amazing source to locate great flight deals quickly! I recently just went on a trip and was able to save tons of money, enough to even plan another trip!! The response time is unbelievable and they go above and beyond to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. Thank you Cloud 9 for a great start to 2020...looking forward to many more trips this year!!

Jully D
White Rock, BC

Amazing website with some of the best deals. It's as close to Z-Fare as it can get! If you are a frequent flyer or just want some good deals, this is the website to go to!
Mairaj Anwar
Dubai, UAE

Cloud 9 always finds us the best deals on our travels. Their superior deals and customer service makes the whole family happy. We are able to travel more often thanks to the deals provided by Cloud 9!

Erin Brar
Delta BC

If you’re looking for a great deal on your next flight, Cloud 9 should be your first stop. All the access to last minute deals and even seat upgrades. Thanks for helping me save on my last trip!

Blazenka V
Burnbay BC

Thanks for the upgrade for our recent long haul journey . Without your help we wouldn't be able to sleep all the way to Asia in a lie flat seat. Your deals and tricks on how to fly for cheap are truly amazing

Jeff S
Vancouver, BC

If you want some insane deals on flights around the world, use Cloud 9 Deals! They do all the work of searching for cheap deals so you don’t have to. I highly recommend using them to get the most out of your future vacations. Thank you cloud 9 for saving me soooo much money!

Tanveer Brar
Vancouver, BC

Thanks to Cloud 9 Deals I’ve been able to travel the world in luxury while not breaking the bank.

The staff at Cloud 9 really want you to get the best deal possible and are always providing tips on how to get the best flights possible.

Ever since I signed up for Cloud 9, I’ve only been travelling in business or first class! Don’t believe me? Check out my IG.

Ravinder Bains
Vancouver, BC

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